Anita and I sat at the back of the bus, well away from the others and said quietly a Our Father and Hail Mary.
Almost immediately a bright eyed smiling woman sat next to us. As she did we moved off.
I heard you saying the Hail Mary so I thought you wouldn't mind me joining. All the other people in this bus are idiots.
"Why do you say that?" Anita asked.
The her bright eyes and warm, friendly face turned to whimpering and a few tears. Her face remained frozen that way for a moment, while you could tell that she was replaying something in her mind. Then a suddenly, she smirked and perked up, and replied, "Many of us were friends at one time or another." It's very sad, really, after all I did for them! Not even a single thank you!"
"I hope someday they will realized all I did for them. They only think of themselves. "
A man with a long gray beard appeared to overheard our conversation and hesitatingly turned around to face us. He looked up at the smiling woman and whispered, “Hi my name is Thomas. I couldn’t help but over head your conversation and thought I’d share with you a prayer that helps me to be generous with my time and possessions. When I get tempted to count favors, I ask God to help me be more generous and not to expect anything in return. Hope it helps.” He turned around and went back to reading a book he had in hand.
The woman's face turned sour and she return to the front of the bus.
I said to Anita "It's amazing the reception our phone get here. I wonder how they got the technology into the borderlands of heaven and hell."
Anita said "Let see if we can google here."
We both stayed on the phones for hours until...
The bus driver called out “alright this is the last stop!”
We looked around and realized we had been so absorbed looking on our phones that we missed our stop and the last stop was certainly not heaven. Reluctantly we stepped off the bus. The driver immediately closed the bus doors and sped off like a cat with its tail in fire :) we could see why. As we looked around...
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